Advertising and Public Relations
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All good companies have a manual of :-
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Question: Internet is part of electronic media
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Question: Good companies always speaks first and performs later.
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Question:The term "Publics" means these are all those :-
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People on whom the success or failuer depends
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People on whom the success or failuer depends
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Question: In print media rates depends upon the size, Colour and ________
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Number of words in the ad
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Question:For holding a press conference invitations are to be sent and ________ has to be selected.
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Question: The words in your headings will usually be for ________ release
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Question: J and J offered a reward of $200,000 for capturing the perpetrators.
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Question: The lesson learnt from Tylenol case was :-
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Open Communication policy , Adhering to companys policy regarding customer safety , Establishment of Media control
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Open Communication policy , Adhering to companys policy regarding customer safety , Establishment of Media control
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Question: A PR practitioner have access to a lot of information and are constantly in touch with news sources related to :-
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Technology Advancements , Social Changes
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Social Changes , Financial Changes , Political Changes
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Question: A PR should always have a track of :-
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Quality of communication exchange
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Question: Advertising research is an :-
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Information Tool
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Information Tool
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Question: Advertisment copy consists of the body copy, Slogans and
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Head Line
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Head Line
Question: During the press conference it is advisible to only communicate the news it should be one way communication.
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Select The BlankQuestionIt is the PR practitioners task to ________ and enhance the organisations reputation.
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Question: Planning and Implementation are the efforts done by the organization to influence or ________ public Policy.
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Question: The various types of advertisments are
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Consumer and Retail , National and International , End product or Industrial
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Consumer and Retail , National and International , End product or Industrial
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Question: There are three type of situtations in which you can paln an interview with a journalist these are :-
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Proactive , Reactive , Crisis
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Proactive , Reactive , Crisis
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Question: Another internal roles of PR are that of :-
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Teaching , Instructing Executives for clear writing , Effective speaking
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Teaching , Instructing Executives for clear writing , Effective speaking
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Question: Everyone has an image, an individual or an organization. The question is, is it bad or
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Question: A press conference should be called when there's a reason for :-
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Two way communication
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News to tell
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Question: If there are pictures with the release, use the phrase with :-
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Question: The spokesperson should have following skills :-
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Convincing and Inspiring , Good Orator , Able to address gathering
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Convincing and Inspiring , Good Orator , Able to address gathering
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Question: Choosing a city for press conference depends upon the level you are working with :-Correct Answer
National , Regional , Business
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National , Regional , Global
Question: Once you have invited the reporters there is no need to remind them.
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Question: The fundamental democracy that played a major role in the American Campaign
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Question: The design princples can been arranged by different elements viz.
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Balance , Proportion , Sequence
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Balance , Proportion , Sequence
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Question: In a corporate identity if the building is constructed of granite and glass it sends out signals of :-
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Prosperity and Competence
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Rich and Famous
Question: A fact sheet runs into a single page
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Question: The buyers buy for business or non profit motives, these consists of
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Businesses , Government , Non-Government Organisation
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Businesses , Government , Non-Government Organisation